Sunday 7 April 2013


Dear Friends, Fans, Independent Observers and Blogoshpere Junkies,

Scallywag Theatre is thrilled to announce the new and shiny Super Highway of exciting projects that stretches from the future, through this bubbling present and into our glorious past. Following the brief hiatus in Global Touring which resulted from the untimely and tragic passing of our former agent (well, she dead to me) Scallywag Theatre diversified, re-focused, strengthened our core-values and has risen like a fiery phoenix from the ashes of the economic/cultural Shitegeist.

Driving this re-birth - with the sun-roof open and the hand-brake off while she bangin' on da radio - is the newest member of the Scallywag family, the fabulous Marijana Mikolcic. Working as agent/producer/PR guru and general Rock Star, Scallywag Theatre welcomes Marijana to it's ample but firm bosom with joy and high hopes. She is now the public face and strategic mind behind Scallywag, and while the honeymoon lasts I believe that she'll be a massive success.

The brightest star on the firmament of Scallywag Theatre's near-future galaxy is the upcoming trip to Tallinn, Estonia, to complete work on a new production for the amazing NUKU Theatre there. The new show STICKY will premier in the superb TREFF festival on June 6, and I urge each and every one of you to get to Tallinn on that weekend for one of the best theatre festivals that happens anywhere in the world. I shit you not. TREFF flippin ROCKS.

Watch This Space as More Exciting News is immanent and will shortly bubble it's way from my twisted fantasy, through the filter of Social Media and infect your soul with Scallywagitis.

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